Meet Aldona Kowalski in real life and her in-game persona, Miss Merce.

Real World Identity: Aldona Kowalski
- Location: Warsaw, Poland
- Occupation: Housekeeper
- Personality Traits: Friendly but deceptive, gossipy, two-faced, restless, envious, dishonest
- Real-Life Struggles: Unhappy with her life, caught stealing, relationship frustrations, constantly in conflict due to gossiping and lying
Aldona Kowalski is a woman living a life of contradictions. She pretends to be friendly, yet she constantly spies and gossips. She wants stability, yet she sabotages her own chances of having it.
- She works as a housekeeper for wealthy families but was recently caught stealing jewelry from one of her clients.
- She only avoided jail because the family showed mercy after she returned the stolen items—but now she lives in fear that her other clients will find out.
- She’s been with her partner for 12 years and they have two little girls, but he refuses to marry her, leaving her feeling resentful and stuck.
- She resents the wealthy, believing they don’t deserve their success, even though she works in their homes every day.
- Her constant lying and gossiping has made it hard for her to maintain real friendships, and her own unhappiness spills into everything she does.
She plays the game in her free time as an escape—but instead of finding peace, she brings her real-life chaos into the game.
Game World Identity: Miss Merce
- Title: The Hidden Informant, The Queen of Gossip
- Reputation: A spy, a manipulator, and a snake disguised as a friend
- Tactics: Pretends to be friendly, extracts secrets, and spreads discord
- Weaknesses: People are starting to catch on, burned too many bridges, trapped in a clan with no way out
In Veydor, Aldona is known as Miss Merce, a clan infiltrator and informant.
- She befriends players, gains their trust, and learns their secrets.
- She spies for Veyrith the Serpent, feeding him clan strategies, weaknesses, and drama.
- She especially targets the kindest players, lying about her personal life to gain sympathy.
For a while, her deception worked. She played the perfect double agent, weaving her web of lies without consequence.
But now, the truth is catching up to her.
- Players have started to connect the dots.
- She has been exposed and kicked out of multiple clans.
- No other clan will accept her now—so she had no choice but to join Veyrith the Serpent’s clan.
- The problem? They don’t need her anymore.
Now, she is trapped. The kingdom sees her for who she truly is, and she has nowhere left to hide.
Dual Life: The Real and the Virtual
- In real life, Aldona Kowalski lies to get ahead, but her deceit is catching up to her.
- In the game, Miss Merce thrives on manipulation, but her influence is fading.
- In real life, she’s stuck in a relationship going nowhere.
- In the game, she’s trapped in a clan that no longer values her.
She played the role of a deceiver, a spy, a puppet master… but what happens when no one wants the puppet anymore?
Will she find a way to regain power, or has she finally played herself into a corner she can’t escape?
Current Status:
For now, Miss Merce is a fallen informant, but whether she disappears into obscurity or finds a new way to claw her way back into power… remains to be seen.