Meet Martin Costa in real life and his in-game persona, Papa Martin.

Real World Identity: Marin Costa

  • Location: Aberdeen, Scotland (originally from Portugal)
  • Occupation: Accountant
  • Personality Traits: Obsessive, cruel, stalker-like, entitled, controlling, violent
  • Real-Life Struggles: Legal problems due to sexual harassment cases, facing potential job loss, history of violence, inability to let go of past relationships

Martin Costa is not just a troubled man—he is dangerous.

  • He comes from a wealthy Portuguese family, known for being one of the biggest producers of Port Wine.
  • However, his privileged background has not saved him from his dark tendencies.
  • He has been sued multiple times for sexual harassment and has several restraining orders against him.
  • While he has managed to evade criminal charges so far, authorities are actively investigating him—his next mistake may finally land him in jail.

His obsessive nature makes him incapable of handling rejection.

  • If a woman tries to leave him, he becomes violent and stalks her until the authorities intervene.
  • His history of mental instability is well-known, with rumors that his own family sent him away to Scotland to keep him out of trouble in Portugal.

His pattern is always the same:
1️⃣ He falls in love instantly, claiming it’s fate.
2️⃣ He overwhelms his victims with gifts—expensive ones, starting as early as the second day.
3️⃣ When the woman realizes he is too intense, controlling, and manipulative, she tries to end it.
4️⃣ He refuses to accept it, leading to stalking, threats, and harassment.

Unfortunately, Pamela Atkinson (London Rise in the game) became his next victim.

  • Their relationship never left the online world, but for him, it was as real as anything.
  • They exchanged intimate messages and connected on social media, where he quickly became possessive.
  • He insisted on knowing her home address so he could send gifts to her and her kids.
  • When Pamela started to distance herself, he became furious, accusing her of betrayal.
  • He threatened her, and one day, he posted their intimate messages in the kingdom chat for everyone to see.

What pushed him over the edge?

  • A new player joined the kingdom, and Martin became convinced this person was in a relationship with Pamela.
  • His jealousy consumed him, and he went into full attack mode.
  • Pamela had no choice but to go to the police and report him to game support—but the game support never took action.

Game World Identity: Papa Martin

  • Title: The Obsessed Betrayer
  • Reputation: A manipulator, a traitor, a stalker disguised as a lover
  • Tactics: Uses emotional manipulation, threatens others, sells out his own allies
  • Weaknesses: Impulsive, unable to let go, jealousy blinds him

In the game world, Papa Martin was once seen as just another eccentric player—but now, he is known for his obsessive and dangerous behavior.

  • At first, he was an active member of his clan, seemingly loyal and committed.
  • But when Pamela rejected him, he turned against everyone.
  • In his rage, he switched sides, joining the rival clan.
  • He betrayed his entire clan by leaking secrets and strategies, causing them to lose the kingship.

He is a master manipulator who:

  • Plays the victim, making it seem like the women in his life are the problem.
  • Lies to gain sympathy, twisting the truth to turn people against his enemies.
  • Presents himself as charming and devoted, only to reveal his true colors once he has control.

Now, most of the kingdom is starting to see who he really is.

  • He still tries to attack Pamela, but fewer people believe his lies.
  • His new clan only tolerates him because they can use him for information.
  • But soon, even they may turn against him.

The walls are closing in on Papa Martin—but what happens when a man like him feels cornered?

Dual Life: The Real and the Virtual

  • In real life, Martin Costa is a dangerous predator, using wealth and manipulation to control women.
  • In the game, Papa Martin is a desperate, scorned player, betraying allies and ruining lives over his personal vendettas.
  • In real life, he runs from his past, avoiding real consequences.
  • In the game, he keeps finding ways to make enemies.

But how long can he keep running before he finally loses everything?

Current Status:

For now, Papa Martin continues to cause chaos, but he is running out of allies and places to hide.
Will the kingdom finally turn on him, or will he find a way to manipulate his way back into power?